We Handcraft It All With You In Mind.
Welcome to the Strauchfiber.com v2.0 Homepage - History Archive

Strauch Fiber Equipment produces high quality tools and equipment for fiber enthusiasts all around the world, including fiber milling and fiber processing equipment. We've completely redesigned our site with the reader's needs in mind. Our new website is packed with information about our products and how to use them.

For the technically minded, you can find extensive detail on how and why our products work as well as they do. We have also created a series of videos for the visual learners out there that cover a number of different topics including how to use certain types of equipment, general up-keep and maintenance, and other tips, tricks and techniques that you might find useful. You can check out our videos section here.

For businesses, our products are designed to increase your productivity and hence your profit. The durability, ease of use and low maintenance of the Strauch line is ideal for those running or planning to start a cottage-industry business.
All About Strauch Fiber

In 1991, Otto and Joanne Strauch began making hand crafted floor Swift/Skeinwinders. As their hobby grew they wanted to expand. In March of 2000 they purchased the drum carding portion of a small west coast company and formed Strauch Fiber Equipment Co. The many improvements they've made to the original drum carder design have been so well received by the fiber arts community that the series of Strauch drum carders have become "The Standard of the Industry".

The Jumbo Ball Winder was added in 2005, and in 2007 they introduced their series of table model Swift/skeinwinders to complement the original line of floor models. A quantum leap was made in 2008 with the introduction of motorized drum carders.

In 2019, Otto and Joanne retired and sold the company to Mike Gallagher, a woodworker located in Hickory, North Carolina. Click here to learn more about Mike's commitment to continuing the Strauch tradition of quality.

Our fiber milling and fiber processing products are Proudly Made in the USA. As part of our company mission Strauch Fiber Equipment Co. is dedicated to promoting American made products. Where possible, the components we use to manufacture our products are made in the USA. We even specify that the wood we use comes from U.S. forests.

We Reduce waste, Reuse, and Recycle. Over 90% of our packing paper and foam peanuts are given to us by local retailers who would rather not feed the landfill. The minimal amount of wood scrap that we generate is used to heat our workshop. We compost the sawdust and the wood shavings are used as animal bedding.

Strauch Fiber Equipment Company is committed to organizations that help people become independent, improve themselves and their communities. To this end we support groups such as Heifer International and 4-H.
Check out our latest blog post
"3 Ways to Use a Fiber Diz"
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Tuesday 27th October, 2020
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