4 Ways to Fix a Busted Stash

Often we go through our stash at the end of the year and try to “stash-down,” using as much spinning fiber as we can before the new year. Then at a certain point, the horrifying realization sets in: I have nothing in my stash….

Fear not! Here are a few ways to “stash-up.”

1. Monthly Subscription for Fiber

If you’re looking for base fibers to blend, then a monthly subscription service may be for you.

Companies like Spunky Eclectic Fibers in Maine have a monthly mystery club that you can sign up for in different increments (4oz, 8oz, etc.); in the middle of each month, a little bundle of fiber joy arrives on your doorstep! They also carry handpainted top, roving and bulk undyed fiber, if that is more your speed.

Spinning Box is another subscription service that compiles fiber, batts, rolags and more from many fiber arts into themed boxes each month. You are guaranteed 3/4 lb. fiber total, and from time to time, each month has a mini fiber-focus.

2. Go to Your Local Stock Show or Farm

The start of the year is when many regional shows happen, such as the National Western Stock Show which took place a couple of weekends ago in Denver, CO. There are usually a few high-quality fleeces on display and for sale  at these shows.

Another option is to ask farms that are local to you when their shearing days are – not only will you be  supporting a local business, you might also get to witness the shearing itself!


3. Swap Meet

Are you in a guild or a spinning group on Ravelry? There are sometimes chances for you to swap unused fiber lurking in your stash for something that is exciting and new…at least, to you! This kind of swap gives you the opportunity to trade fiber with other spinners.

Every year there is an informal event called FibreShare that pairs people up who sign up for it, and you swap fiber, yarn, notions etc with your partner. This helps build community with other fiber artists, and can introduce you to new brands!


4. Don’t Forget the Add-ins

If you’re a batt maker, it’s sometimes easy to forget to stock back up on the additives that you sprinkle in your batts.

Camaj Fiber Arts (a Strauch Drum Carder user) has lots of silk fibers that are beautifully dyed, just waiting to be used in a batt.


There a many more options out there to bulk up your stash, what are a few of your favorite ways? Share in the comments below! Why don’t you flash your stash with your drum carder over on Instagram and tag it with #StrauchFiber and we’ll share it on our page in the coming weeks!

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